Is Running Your Car on Water a Scam?

I’ve Spent Hours Researching the Water Cars and Here is What I Think:

There has been a lot of talk about running your car on water. There are many websites promoting a manual that tells you how to run your car on water. At first, I thought it was a scam. Run your car on water? Yeah, right. If that were the case, everyone would do it and not spend a small fortune on gas. However, it got me interested so I decided to read about and research about the topic.

After a lot of research, I have decided that it is not a scam at all, and in fact in can work and save you a lot of money on gas. However, it’s often misunderstood. You don’t actually run your car on water. Those are just attention-grabbing headlines to grab your attention. You don’t really run your car on water, it still runs on gas, but with the “water car” technology, it uses up a lot less gas and saves you a lot of money.

This Water For Gas concept is actually legitimate and based on science. And it’s a great idea. Don’t even get me started on the greed of the oil companies and the dishonesty of the politicians who are paid off by the big corporations. And I could write an entire book on how the rising cost of gas, currently at $4 a gallon hurts low income and middle-class citizens. Probably the only people who aren’t affected by it are the wealthy. Regular people with regular jobs like nurses, teachers, waiters, secretaries, and factory workers are being hit hard, especially those who own gas guzzling cars and those who have to drive a distance to work every day.

Now I know a lot of people will be like me and when they see a title that says “Run your car on water” they will roll their eyes and say “Oh, please!” But it really does work and it’s legitimate, so I guess I need to explain how it works to prove to people it’s real. First of all, I am not a big science person, and I always hated math and science classes in school.

So, this scientific explanation is coming from an unscientific person. Water as you know, is H2O. H stands for hydrogen and O stands for oxygen. There is a method that can change the water from liquid form into a hydrogen gas. That hydrogen gas is called HHO and it’s also called Brown’s Gas. This gas helps fuel your car and makes your car use a lot less gasoline. It makes the gasoline burn better and stops your car from wasting most of it. If you didn’t know, your car wastes 80% of the gasoline you put in it. You can double your gas mileage using this method.
So, now talking in money terms, if you spend $100 a week on gas, with this method using the power of water, you will only spend $50 a week. That’s a $200 savings a month on gas or a $2,400 savings a year. What would you do with an extra $2,400 a year? I’m sure any average family could think of a lot of ways to use that money that could be saved on gas.

Now, with this technology there’s a catch. You don’t just put water in your gas tank, no, don’t do that. Cars don’t come equipped with this water for gas technology so you will have to make a little kit and put it under the hood of your car to convert it to be a water car. So the catch is, there’s some work involved. The good news however, is there are step by step instructions written in plain English that tell you exactly what to do, so you don’t have to be a mechanic to do this. Any ordinary person who can follow instructions can do this.

In order to implement this water car technology to turn water into HHO to help fuel your car, you will have to purchase a manual that tells you how to do that. The best one I’ve seen costs $97. That may seem like a lot to some people, but if you are saving $200 a month after this, it’s a great deal. Then, you will have to spend around $75 give or take on some supplies at your local hardware store. Then you spend some free time building the little conversion kit and placing it under the hood of your car. A jar of distilled water can last for months before you have to refill it.

So, for anyone who is interested in this water fuel technology, I would say go for it. It’s not a scam, it has science behind it. Best case scenario, you save thousands of dollars a year in gas and tell your friends and family how to do it. Worst case scenario is you wasted a few hours of your time and supplies from a hardware store.

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